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  • Writer's pictureTristanMX

Release Notes Prototype


Taking advantage of the new UI elements location and trying to simplify it the most possible for player, now you can easily see what kind of new units will be available as you progress in the game. One has just been published: Skeleton King, and I can say that this new unit will be able to take you easily to level 13 by its own feet, and if balanced properly with more units its potential is amazing. Undead units will be a whole new strategy in the game and I’m planning to provide variants were you’ll have to use units from low spell levels together with high spell levels to achieve levels over 20.

New Features

- Skeleton King, raises a Skeleton every 5 seconds; Kills Preachers and Public Speakers. Immune to Fanatic Zealot and Zombies. Produces +950 Faith, and its abilities are cumulative with other Skeleton Kings. Unlock this unit at Spell Level 1.

- Awards now grant you Might. Depending on the difficulty of the achievement you now earn might by buying creatures, seeing spells, upgrading your buildings or finding bonuses. This system now has the possibility to handle tons of additional rewards according to your progress.


- Units at the store are locked based on its Spell Level requirement.

- Award screen now presents the value of each award.

- Time balance adjustments for Public Speaker, Preacher and Guard Pastor.

Bug Fixes

- Papyrus torch didn’t stay “unchecked” when switching in-game screens.

- Papyrus was draggable.

- Guard Pastor turned “Invisible” when switching screens.

Note. Game is still unsupported on Edge or Internet Explorer, this is because of the shaders Construct provides aren't compilating correctly in Edge, I'll provide a workaround but I have to change a lot of art, this will take some weeks so be patient please. For now you can play with no problems in Chrome and Firefox.

Enjoy this release and as a religion, don’t forget to come at least every Sunday as I will be posting new units during Saturday nights so you can wake up early and go to Zhan’s church.

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